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Endless bag Longosac - Repex Floor
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Endless bag Longosac

Reference -70001
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165.00€ Excluding VAT

Endless bag Longosac 70001

Bag replacement in under 30 seconds!

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Endless bag Longosac

Endless bag Longosac

  • Longosac endless bag: the exclusive Longosac waste management system consists of a mobile or fixed support device fitted with a continuous bag.

  • Diameter = 357 mm
  • Length 20 metres
  • Clamps - 75 pieces
  • Carton weight: 6 Kg


The bag can be replaced in less than 30 seconds. Thanks to this continuous bag, time-consuming searching for rollers is eliminated. As the bag is changed and closed from the outside, there is no direct contact with the waste, so there's no need for costly cleaning.

The continuous bag is made from three very thin layers of polyethylene. It is then folded using a special machine and stored in a compact cassette.

Longosac is certified for use with Repex Floor sanders.



The fact that replacement and sealing take place from the outside of the bag means that there is no direct handling of waste, eliminating the need for costly cleaning. What's more, any spillage around the opening is automatically directed to the next bag.


When changing bags, there's no need to search for a new roll. Eliminating the need to clean and search for a new bag saves valuable time. What's more, thanks to the continuous bag, flexible replacement intervals are possible, resulting in more efficient use of materials.


CO2 emissions are reduced by up to 70% compared with conventional disposal methods. Made from three very thin layers of polyethylene, the continuous bag is much stronger than a standard bin liner. What's more, its variable capacity means it can always be filled to capacity, further reducing material consumption.


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Endless bag Longosac

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