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Cable tie with carabiner - Repex Floor
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Cable tie with carabiner

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Cable tie with carabiner 7021

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Cable tie with carabiner

Cable tie with carabiner  

Cable tie with carabiner for R200 hoover

The cable tie with pin on the suction head of the R200 hoover. These cable ties are mechanical parts designed to attach and hold cables in place. They help to organise and tidy cables, preventing them from lying on the floor or becoming tangled.

Here are a few situations in which it may be necessary to replace the cable tie with pin:

1. Wear or damage: If the cable tie shows signs of wear, such as cracks or broken parts, or if the pin is worn to the point where it can no longer hold the cable effectively, it's time to replace it.

2. Loss of efficiency: If the cable tie no longer holds the cable securely in place, this could lead to problems when using the hoover, including frequent interruptions due to loose cables.

3. Difficulty attaching or detaching the cable: If the attachment mechanism becomes difficult to use, this could indicate a problem with the cable attachment, and it would be wise to replace it.

As with any wearing part, we recommend that you consult the manufacturer of your R200 hoover for specific instructions on how to replace the cable tie with pin and the recommended maintenance intervals.

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Cable tie with carabiner

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